Week 7: 10/03 - 10/10
Things I did this week:
- Started a crowdfunding program with other team leads to raise money for Spartan Superway.
- Attended a meeting with Jason Brown, an annual giving officer from the crowdfunding program at San Jost State University, to learn about ways to run a successful crowdfunding campaign.
- Meet up with all leads and update them about the progress of my team
- Been in contact with Mac Motor Tech in Shanghai through email asking many questions to design a motor best fit for spartan superway
- Pushed for a sponsorship from MAC Motor again. (was ignored last contact)
- Sought family and friends to sponsor our crowdfunding campaign.
Things to do for the following week:
- Push for sponsorship from MAC Motor
- Seek for more family and friends to sponsor our crowdfunding campaign
- Start a design for the mounting bracket and do a FEA
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